Homework in America: The Reality

In case you are a new parent in the U.S, this is what you should know about assisting your younger ones with their assignments. How families handle homework in the U.S can highly affect their kid’s academic achievement, both long-term and short-term.

How much do you value your child’s education?

Your child may have nightly homework from school. Think of this as an opportunity to show how much you esteem the kid’s education. Habitually, ask the kid what assignments they have, peruse through the work when they’re done with it, motivate them, and show interest in what they’re learning. The best enchantment to learning is your reverence and love.

Schedule a Homework Plan

Parents who want academic success for their kids are strict about learning at home. You achieve this by doing away with distractions such as TV, radio, video games, and smartphones during study time. Exercise and a light bite before the homework also improve the focus of the child. At homework time, these parents guarantee their child a quiet environment for reading and give them access to learning resources.

Assisting with homework when you don’t communicate in English

If you can’t comprehend your child’s assignment, professionals from 123Homework.com can assist them with handling reading time with seriousness. Your consolation to not rush through their work will also offer great help. Finally, your capacity to pose queries can show your enthusiasm for their work, and you can also help your child slow down and make sense of things when they’re baffled. Sometimes, the act of simply portraying the assignment to you can enable the solution light for your kid.

The Perfect Measure for Homework

Children begin receiving constant homework frequently in grade one and turn to feel baffled and stressed when they do not finish it. It’s just not your child that is experiencing difficulties in acclimating to the new schedules. Many households across America experience similar issues as far as figuring out how to model up a serene time for a child to read in a normal home setting. 

In grade one, 10-30 minutes is the standard time that your child can handle homework, and probably an extra 20 minutes of reading. You ought to converse with your child’s teacher in case your child is getting a lot more than the stipulated amount of time and inquire about what you can do to help.

U.S homework time vs. other countries

Most parents who experienced their childhood in the U.S are feeling that homework for lower grades has escalated in many schools across the country. As indicated by a global study on homework, children aged 15 years in China do approximately 14 hours of homework weekly compared to 6.1 hours in America and 5.3 hours in Mexico and Costa Rica’s 3.4 hours. Some American schools have done away with homework while others heap on hours worth of assignments to their students.

Attempt this if not into Homework

A study by Dennis Pope shows that homework has no benefits for children in lower grades. There exists no correlation between homework and success academically. In his book, Overloaded and Underprepared: Strategies for Stronger Schools and Healthy Successful Kids.


One thing that has a connection with academic success is open and free reading time for students. As science has proven, the most impact originates from pleasure reading. If your child lacks homework, make a point to invest extra time in reading books in either English or Spanish. This will help a great deal.

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