Homework in America: The Reality

In case you are a new parent in the U.S, this is what you should know about assisting your younger ones with their assignments. How families handle homework in the U.S can highly affect their kid’s academic achievement, both long-term and short-term.

How much do you value your child’s education?

Your child may have nightly homework from school. Think of this as an opportunity to show how much you esteem the kid’s education. Habitually, ask the kid what assignments they have, peruse through the work when they’re done with it, motivate them, and show interest in what they’re learning. The best enchantment to learning is your reverence and love.

Schedule a Homework Plan

Parents who want academic success for their kids are strict about learning at home. You achieve this by doing away with distractions such as TV, radio, video games, and smartphones during study time. Exercise and a light bite before the homework also improve the focus of the child. At homework time, these parents guarantee their child a quiet environment for reading and give them access to learning resources.

Assisting with homework when you don’t communicate in English

If you can’t comprehend your child’s assignment, professionals from 123Homework.com can assist them with handling reading time with seriousness. Your consolation to not rush through their work will also offer great help. Finally, your capacity to pose queries can show your enthusiasm for their work, and you can also help your child slow down and make sense of things when they’re baffled. Sometimes, the act of simply portraying the assignment to you can enable the solution light for your kid.

The Perfect Measure for Homework

Children begin receiving constant homework frequently in grade one and turn to feel baffled and stressed when they do not finish it. It’s just not your child that is experiencing difficulties in acclimating to the new schedules. Many households across America experience similar issues as far as figuring out how to model up a serene time for a child to read in a normal home setting. 

In grade one, 10-30 minutes is the standard time that your child can handle homework, and probably an extra 20 minutes of reading. You ought to converse with your child’s teacher in case your child is getting a lot more than the stipulated amount of time and inquire about what you can do to help.

U.S homework time vs. other countries

Most parents who experienced their childhood in the U.S are feeling that homework for lower grades has escalated in many schools across the country. As indicated by a global study on homework, children aged 15 years in China do approximately 14 hours of homework weekly compared to 6.1 hours in America and 5.3 hours in Mexico and Costa Rica’s 3.4 hours. Some American schools have done away with homework while others heap on hours worth of assignments to their students.

Attempt this if not into Homework

A study by Dennis Pope shows that homework has no benefits for children in lower grades. There exists no correlation between homework and success academically. In his book, Overloaded and Underprepared: Strategies for Stronger Schools and Healthy Successful Kids.


One thing that has a connection with academic success is open and free reading time for students. As science has proven, the most impact originates from pleasure reading. If your child lacks homework, make a point to invest extra time in reading books in either English or Spanish. This will help a great deal.

Is homework Necessary during summer?

Sara, Jill Notte’s daughter, a senior student, is pursuing a total of five advanced courses this fall. However, she is a straight-A student; this ambitious endeavor maybe her greatest undoing. She must go through a week-long program at Girls State, another month in the School of Engineering at Technology, and must pay a visit to some colleges too. Besides, Sara must:

  • Read 5 AP English books and one for AP History
  • Complete AP Calculus assignments
  • Complete AP Chemistry assignments
  • Write a bunch load of summaries for Honor Physics

In doing all these, Sara has to forgo her work as a lifeguard as the assignments she has to complete is daunting.

Vacation Work

The oxymoron ‘vacation-work’ is on the ascent, and Sara’s not alone in it. Many guardians and parents across the globe recollect memories of their childhood and youth summers as breaks from the school system. Summer mainly consisted of mass laziness to pure apathy to camping with family and vacations, not math assignments and science projects.

No as an Answer

Most parents tend to contend that homework during summer is just work that milks both joy and fun from summer. Sara Bennett further states that children need more personal time during the summer break.

A progressive yet revolutionary approach for those who state that children should do homework during summer is just blatantly saying no. This is what Sara Bennett, the founder of StopHomework.com, proposes a guardian or a parent during the fall if a kid is unwilling to doing the assignments.

Shielding youthful minds from melting

There are mothers and fathers on the opposite side of the mid-year schoolwork who, when schools close, force their children into intense brain work regardless of whether the teachers did not issue it. 

Cooper says that reassurance that the move is a magic bullet to shield the kids’ minds from melting is not at all objective, but a positive effect will register on how much material they hold when they go back to school if the children are in a continuous form of utilizing their mental muscles. 

Studies tend to support that students lose the ability to do math problems in two months during the summer break. Cooper states that if teachers fail to intercept, math becomes a problem for many kids.

No Engagement from Students

Dennis Pope, a senior lecturer, admits that three months is quite a long time to sit idle and that the thought of issuing exercises and numerous pages of workloads isn’t a go-to way of making things better with the kids. This is because there is a lack of engagement with the kids. For fruitful learning, kids should commit themselves in that; they should lock themselves in emotionally, behaviorally, and psychologically. Kids need an adult to keep track of the school work.


The summer homework assignments frequently don’t get much traction from teachers once turned in, as there’s no feedback from the teachers themselves and hence no impact on the grades of the kids. In most cases, kids will not touch on the assignments until the end days of the summer, but Pope says that’s a choice of their own. Summer is for vacation, and therefore the kids need to relax and reflect.

Motivation to complete homework

Doing homework at times can be challenging. Like other work, it is essential that you set individual goals to encourage you to do homework. Focus on the assignments by reducing distractions and take good care of yourself.

Getting inspiration and drive

Appreciate yourself when you finish your homework. Whenever you achieve a milestone, appreciate yourself, since appreciation is the most excellent motivator to stay focused.

Before you begin, treat yourself. It would be best if you did not accumulate your rewards to the end of your homework. Treat yourself at the beginning to lift your spirits or moods.

Work with an inspired study partner. Doing homework with a friend can be rewarding because you will keep each other on toes. However, choose a serous friend whom you will meticulously finish work together and not distract each other. Working with a friend does not mean collaborating; each one could be doing his or her homework. You can also work with an online tutor who will motivate you to study harder or buy assignment online if you don’t know how to complete it on your own.

Determine your best place and time of working. Know your optimum time when you are most productive and energized. Some find morning or late afternoon to be their best time. Also, get to know your best studying environment that has no or limited distractions.

Set yourself smart homework assignment goals. Set precise goals, so that you stay inspired and ensure your homework feel manageable. To derive maximum benefits from your set goals, ensure they are time-bound, relevant, attainable, measurable, and specific.

Remember your objectives of being in school. Whenever you are down or having no excitement for your classes, remember the ultimate goal of why you are in school. Reflect on the benefits of doing well in school, such as landing a good job and living a better life.

Be alert and focused

Before starting your homework, take good care of your physical and emotional needs. It can be challenging to focus and alert when you are uncomfortable, hungry, and tired. Get enough sleep when you have a lot of homework to complete the following day, avoid working on a full bladder, or empty stomach.

Locate a comfortable and quiet place to work. The conducive environment can make you focus more on your homework. Before you start your homework, locate a well-lit and quiet room that gives you enough space to stretch.

Put away or switch off devices that can distract you. Notifications from social media platforms such as Facebook feeds, twitter updates, or Instagram notification can distract your focus from work at hand.

Rejuvenate yourself with healthy snacks and water. While you study, have within your reach some healthy snacks and a bottle of water. Eating healthy foods and remaining hydrated can significantly assist you to stay alert, focus, and wake up.

Take regular breaks. Burnt outs are real, and it can results in loose focus, therefore take a break of 15 minutes after between 1 hour or 1 hour 30 minutes. Breaks enable the tired brain to recharge and rest.

Shift between different works, to remain sharp. When your brain reaches a saturation point, take a break. Besides, when you resume change to a different task.

Plan your time well

Develop a study schedule and daily work. To manage all the school activities, create a regular work program and study schedule for your homework assignments and studies.

Modularize your assignments. Complicated and extensive homework can appear overwhelming when attempting all of them. To manage them, break them down into manageable modules.

Use a productive App to organize your tasks. Try productive Apps to stay on task and hold your time. Such Apps include Hours or Todoist.